Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Attention: Mentees of Mr. Ateff Yusof

Below are the activities suggested by your friends:

1. Visit to Shah Alam Library
2. Rumah Aman (CSR)
3. Pot luck at Tasik Shah Alam.
4. Movie at U8 Space

*to nash please help me to discuss with your friends and inform me about the suitable time, and what activity for a astart?

Sunday, March 25, 2012


Welcome to a Virtual Space where everyone is gifted...

Monday, November 14, 2011


Hye everyone,

I have few announcements to be made:

1. Our BBQ planned has to be cancelled due to place and time constraints. I AM TRULY SORRY :(
2. Please check teh ongoing marks if there any mistakes before 20th of November

Your Lecturer & Friend,

Ateff Yusof

Monday, October 17, 2011


Hello my beloved students. I really hope that you could take this exercise as a new horizon in the process of learning language. To 12m2, 12m4 and 12m5 peeps, post the assignment that I have assigned to you here. Please state your name, and which question are you doing. Thanx and hope you could benefit from it.
